For four weeks in May, five undergraduate researchers will be joining the lab as part of the University of Toronto’s Jackman Scholars-in-Residence Program. They’ll be helping to build the team’s emerging understandings of how these specimens have shaped scientific understandings of the planet’s past, present, and future. They will gain hands-on experience in digital historical research and analysis; data and project management; and will contribute to visual and narrative digital artifacts here on the project website.

Tanisha Agarwal

Tanisha is entering her third year of undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto, where she is doing a double major in Environmental Science and Conservation & Biodiversity alongside a minor in English Literature. She is fascinated by the biodiversity of the past and its role in shaping human understanding of the natural world.

Izzy Friesen

Izzy is an undergraduate student going into their third year, majoring in Classics and Classical Civilization and minoring in Science, Technology and Society. They are interested in ancient science and, more generally, how people think about the world around them.

Arshia Negi

Arshia is entering her third year of undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto. She is a Cinema Studies and History double major, and an assistant editor for the CSI journal Caméra Stylo.

Maher Qureshi

Maher is currently completing her third year of undergraduate studies in Cognitive Science and HPST (History and Philosophy of Science and Technology) at the University of Toronto.

Mies Kerr